Gain the knowledge and network you need. Join the scholar community network. Image Current Mastercard Foundation Scholars Our LinkedIn cohort group allows you to connect with others on the 2023 Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. Share knowledge, expertise and experiences, seek advice and engage in meaningful conversations with your peers. Mastercard Foundation Scholar Program Alumni Our alumni LinkedIn group allows you to grow your network, which can lead to valuable connections, partnerships, and collaborations. LinkedIn guidance Many companies and recruiters use LinkedIn to identify potential candidates for job openings. Active participation in groups can enhance your professional visibility and personal branding. By sharing valuable insights and contributing to discussions, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. Visit guidance on keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and attractive to recruiters: Social media hub Mastercard Foundation Scholar stories Dorcas Read Dorcas Mensah's story Gloria Read Gloria Omuya's story Joy Read Joy Chepkorir's story Sandra Read Sandra Garwe's story This article was published on 2024-06-24