Una Europa spring round-up

Explore our European alliance’s recent initiatives

Staff Training Week: Embrace Equity, Empower Inclusion 

From 16 to 20 October 2023, the University of Bologna is hosting an in-person staff training week exclusively for colleagues from across Una member universities. Professional service staff are invited to connect, exchange best practices, and get to know each other in one of Italy’s most beautiful cities. This Autumn Staff Week is focussed on Edinburgh colleagues who work in the following areas: 

  • Human resources, in particular services for inclusion of diversity and employment protection 

  • Student services, in particular services for special needs, the right to study and the management of specific targets (for example: minorities, international students, diverse abilities, LGBTQI+ groups) 

  • Any other administrative area working and providing services on diversity, equity and inclusion 

If you are interested in applying, please email una.europa@ed.ac.uk . Noting that this is an excellent training and development opportunity, funding will need to be provided from local College/School/Professional Services budgets. 

Women riding a bike on Bologna campus

Live My Life  

Una Europa ‘Live My Life’ is another unique opportunity for staff at the University of Edinburgh to enhance their professional development through travel to one of our ten Una Europa member universities based in cities across Europe. Una Europa’s joint format for blended job shadowing professional service offers Professional Services staff the chance to engage in the Una Europa network through peer-to-peer learning in a transnational context.  

The 2023 Call for Participation is open to Professional service staff at Una Europa universities working in the following areas: 

  • Facility management at central or departmental level, sustainability office, mobility manager office, green office, etc. 

  • Human resource support services 

  • Finance at a central level or departmental level 

  If you are interested in applying, please email una.europa@ed.ac.uk noting that as an excellent training and development opportunity, funding will need to be provided from local College/School/Professional Services budgets. 

Related links: 


Una Europa Chairs 

In May 2022, Una Europa launched a Seed Funding call with a twist. Its new formula combined a focus on international and multidisciplinary research with a pilot fellowship for senior academics. From sustainable trade policy to safeguarding public health, the University of Edinburgh is leading two out of five research projects funded €36,000 each to spearhead their research. 



Una Europa staff event reception

General Assembly  

Colleagues across the Una Europa community met 6 – 9 June at Leiden University for the Una Europa Discoveries General Assembly and associated meetings.  

Here colleagues from Edinburgh and other Una Europa member universities came together to reflect on our achievements and explore further opportunities for collaboration and development in the next phase of our shared project, Una.Futura. 

The University is co-leading on work packages Una Europa for researchers and Una Europa for society.  

Related links:


Summer Schools 

Una Europa One Health Summer School 

Nine in-person and six online students from the University of Edinburgh are excited to travel to KU Leuven in July 2023 to explore interdisciplinary One Health issues and work towards building solutions together. Edinburgh students will benefit from the following: 

  • Innovative, interdisciplinary programme designed by world-leading academics from Una Europa partner universities 

  • A highly collaborative and interactive programme enabling you to work closely with your peers, as well as mentors and academics in a multicultural community 

  • A modular approach with a set of online and on-site elements, addressing different levels of expertise 

This year Una Europa will host two One Health Summer Schools at KU Leuven, catering to the different educational stages of our student community.  

Related links: 



NEXTVET - Una Europa Summer School in Veterinary Public Health (Meat Hygiene)  

From 26 to 30 June, the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna will host the Una Europa Summer School. Students and experts from across the Alliance and other European universities will gather to safely train veterinary students from 20 European countries to improve public health, animal health and welfare under a One Health umbrella. 

This project stems from Una Europa seed funding, led by Una Europa Chair Alessandro Seguino, Senior Lecturer, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh. 

Related links: 



Sustainable Travel Tool  

Coming soon - Una Europa’s Mobility Cluster has developed a travel matrix that allows users to discover the most sustainable travel route between Una Europa universities. This has been developed into an online search tool by a KU Leuven student and will provide an accessible way for staff and students in the Una Europa community to travel more sustainably.