Learning agreement

Before going on exchange, you must complete a learning agreement outlining your intended programme of study at your host institution.

What is a learning agreement?

A learning agreement is an official agreement between you, your academic subject area(s) at Edinburgh and your host university regarding the courses you will take at your host institution during your exchange period.  It sets out your planned programme of study and must be approved by the Exchange Coordinator in your subject area. It ensures we are aware of what you are studying whilst abroad and that you will gain credit toward your UoE degree during your time away.

Completing a learning agreement is a compulsory requirement for going on an exchange and must be completed at least one month before the start of your exchange. It is advisable to make a start on this document as early as possible.

For your Exchange Coordinator to sign the document and confirm your intended plan of study is approved by your School, the courses you select must:

  • meet your UoE degree requirements
  • match the appropriate number of courses/credits expected by a student at your host institution
  • be at an appropriate level

Any changes to your learning agreement, before or during your exchange, must also be approved by your Exchange Coordinator. Joint honours students should note that they must receive approval from the Exchange Coordinators in both subject areas.

Find your Exchange Coordinator

Academic requirements

Before completing your learning agreement, you should familiarise yourself with your host institution's course catalogue (usually found on their website) and the course and credit requirements of your degree programme.

For more information, see the FAQs below:

How do I complete my learning agreement on Mobility Online? 

The Learning Agreement is completed via Mobility Online, the system we use for managing all stages of student exchanges.  You will be guided through the process and we will advise all students when you need to do this. Please note, that there is no template document - your learning agreement can only be created through the Mobility Online system.