Challenging power

Mentoring relationships are inherently hierarchical in nature and are therefore also shaped by power dynamics. 


The mentor will often sit with more experience, knowledge, and authority in the educational institution, as well as have the power to structure and shape the mentoring conversations.  By becoming aware of their power and privileges, the mentor can allow space for the mentee to share decision-making about the content and the journey of the mentee’s development. Doing so can create a positive space where knowledge and development is co-created with both mentor and mentee learning and developing.

Context for mentoring African International Students

Given the nature of the Mastercard Foundation Scholarship programme, the mentees come from underrepresented minorities, are likely to be students of colour, and to have little to no experience with the culture of the institution.  The educational experience of the students is also likely to have been hierarchical with the knowledge being held by the teachers and given to students for memorisation. The collaborative nature of a developmental mentoring relationship is therefore going to be a new experience for most mentees where they are likely going to be unsure about the dynamics and norms in the relationship.  This gives the mentor a lot of power over the type of relationship and conversations that are going to take place in the mentoring sessions.  It is essential that mentors are aware of this, so that from day one they can support their mentees in making a space for co-creation of learning where the student’s experience and learning are at the focus and valued.  This may take trial and error, but being open and transparent with the students can help this process.

Practical suggestions

The first piece of advice is to acknowledge and recognise the power dynamics inherent in the mentoring relationship and to be aware of your privilege and any advantages you have over your mentee.  Negotiating power in the relationship is an ongoing process that will take work from both you and your mentee.  Practically you can:

  • Encourage your mentee’s autonomy.  Have your mentee take ownership over their own learning – this means that while you can provide advice and perspectives, encourage your mentee to make their own choices and strategies that work for them.
  • Share power and decision-making.  Involve your mentee in decisions about their learning and development.  You can bring suggested topics for development if they do not have something specific they want to work on; however, let them make the final choice about what would be most helpful to them.
  • Be transparent and honest.  Be willing to acknowledge and discuss openly the power dynamics of the relationship.  This means being open to feedback and potential criticism and having the willingness to make changes as appropriate.
  • Foster a culture of inclusivity and equity.  Be aware of the diversity and uniqueness of experiences that the mentee has and be respectful, welcoming and supportive of their growth and perspectives.
  • Challenge your own assumptions and biases (See ‘Becoming aware of personal biases’).  Be willing to reflect and challenge your own perspectives and biases.  Working hard to identify your own biases and practising your cultural awareness can make the relationship more equal and welcoming.
  • Practise radical and active listening (see Active listening and radical listening’).  Give your mentee the space they deserve and listen actively and with the intention to fully understand their perspectives, experiences, and assumptions behind their words.

Useful links

For two great chapters on power in mentoring relationships, see:

Hansman, C. A. (2002). Diversity and power in mentoring relationships. Critical perspectives on mentoring: Trends and issues, 39-48.

Chapter 7: Power in coaching and mentoring in Garvey, B., Garvey, R., & Stokes, P. (2021). Coaching and mentoring: Theory and practice. Sage.